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Posts tagged as “Emilia Tamayo”

El amor es paciente, el amor es bondadoso: Virtudes de la mujer sacrificada. 

El amor es paciente, es bondadoso. El amor no es envidioso ni jactancioso ni orgulloso. No se comporta con rudeza, no es egoísta, no se enoja fácilmente, no guarda rencor. El amor no se deleita en la maldad, sino que se regocija con la verdad.  -1 Corintios 13:4-7.

You Are What You Sticker?

Do laptop stickers provide an adequate avenue for students’ personal expression? Do their semi-permanent nature constrict personal growth over time? Through a survey of The Sophian’s laptop sticker holders, this article attempts to answer these questions and get to the root of today’s sticker personal branding phenomenon.

The Latin GRAMMYs are a Flawed Redemption Arc

The highly anticipated 2021 GRAMMY awards took place last March, but the much less hyped up Latin GRAMMY nominations were announced last Tuesday for their Nov. award ceremony. Nominees include fan favorites like Karol G and Rauw Alejandro alongside newer artists like Paloma Mami and Bizarrap; a fine lineup that makes me wonder why none of our favorite Latinx artists can make it onto the “real” GRAMMYs.

Please stop dramatizing rape on TV

A show that only knows how to develop female characters by raping them is not a show made for women or survivors. When writers create strong female characters, they are creating some of the only positive role models that young viewers have. Raping them to make them more appeasing to the male gaze is a vile and inaccessible dramatic mechanism that carelessly perpetuates gendered violence.

But What Can We Do About the Peeping Toms at Convocation?

Women of color need to be protected at all costs because our identities have been marketed to evoke sexual utility by an industry that makes our bodies readily accessible to anyone on the internet. While we are conditioned to feel vulnerable, men are miseducated to believe that our bodies are objects for them to take, distort and photograph.

Carta a la Editora

Las clases de la primavera están en marcha y es hora de comprar los materiales necesarios para los cursos. Desafortunadamente, 65% de los estudiantes universitarios tendrán que hacer lo posible sin algunos de estos libros necesarios. Otros tendrán que abandonar las clases porque el costo de los materiales requeridos es simplemente demasiado alto.