The Sophian
當我抵達Amherst College本季首次由學生電台WAMH主辦的現場音樂表演時,我發現大家都沒什麼意願玩樂。Amherst College花費了數千元搭建舞台、架設燈光和極佳的音響系統、以及邀請從DC遠道而來的表演者—然而觀眾們依然只是席地而坐在距離表演20碼遠的小山坡上。
Northampton Abolition Now (NAN) and Western Mass Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) co-hosted a city council candidate forum on Oct. 27 to ask the candidates for City Councilor At-Large about their plans to advocate for racial equity in Northampton if elected.
Asmae Lichir pointed to her wall, sparingly decorated with her graduation diploma from her previous college, fairy lights and a wall hanger printed with the…
Earlier this year, Katie Simonson ’25 downloaded the Smith Confessional app, then almost immediately regretted it. A first-year student, Simonson found the site unsettling. “People…
Do laptop stickers provide an adequate avenue for students’ personal expression? Do their semi-permanent nature constrict personal growth over time? Through a survey of The Sophian’s laptop sticker holders, this article attempts to answer these questions and get to the root of today’s sticker personal branding phenomenon.
Northampton mayoral candidates responded to a survey about racial equity and their plans to address racism in schools, policing and the local community.
REAL (Racial Equity and Learning) Northampton is an organization funded by the Northampton Education Foundation that works to create an anti-racist culture in Northampton public schools (NPS). In October, REAL distributed a survey to the mayoral candidates Gina-Louise Sciaara and Marc Warner about their views on racial equity and what they would do to further that agenda if elected. The full questionnaire is available to read on REAL Northampton’s website.
The book is saturated with visceral imagery. Focusing heavily on the body, Van Campen often returns to images of blood, starvation, eating and movement. Her work is heavily detailed; specific, concrete moments burst through and add clarity to some of the more abstract poems.
Why I’m not necessarily against legacy preferences at (some) colleges.