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Letter to the Editor

The Sophian published an article, “Oral Histories of the Title IX Office,” on Oct. 27, which featured transcripts of survivors telling their stories about their experiences with Title IX at Smith. The Title IX office voiced concern with aspects of our article and asked to respond in a statement.  

To the editor:

In response to the recent Sophian article about Title IX, I write to provide information about the responsibilities of the Title IX Office, which is part of the Office for Equity and Inclusion. In accordance with federal regulations, the Title IX office supports students and employees who file sexual misconduct allegations. The college’s director of wellness education is an additional confidential resource for students in sexual misconduct reporting. 

Everyone involved in Smith’s Title IX process is committed to providing the highest possible level of support in navigating the process and accessing resources on and off campus. Supports may include counseling, academic adjustments, no-contact letters and alternative housing arrangements. 

Sexual misconduct has no place at Smith College. My colleagues and I stand in support of those who have experienced sexual misconduct on campus or elsewhere. If you experience (or experienced) sexual misconduct in your time at Smith, I encourage you to file a report and/or contact the Title IX office so that we can investigate the incident and provide support.

If any of the sources for your article would like to discuss their concerns, I or a member of the Title IX office staff would be happy to listen.


Floyd Cheung

Vice President for Equity and Inclusion