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Posts tagged as “floyd cheung”

Letter to the Editor

The Sophian published an article, “Oral Histories of the Title IX Office,” on Oct. 27, which featured transcripts of survivors telling their stories about their…

Las Promesas para Equidad e Inclusión Enviadas Por Smith College

Original article by Sowon Yoon.

Kathleen McCartney, presidenta de Smith College, Floyd Cheung, el recién nombrado vicepresidente de Equidad e Inclusión y Susan Etheredge, Decana del College y vicepresidenta de Campus Life, enviaron un correo electrónico a los estudiantes, el personal y los miembros de la facultad en el 5 de septiembre, 2019. El correo electrónico resume sus "reflexiones y planes para profundizar el compromiso de Smith con la equidad y la inclusión."


文/Sowoon Yoon.
翻译/Eugenia Yuan.

2019年9月5日,史密斯学院校长Kathleen McCartney、新任校园公正包容事务副主席Floyd Cheung、学校主任及校园生活副主席Susan Etheredge发给全校师生员工一封主题为“关于深化校园公正包容的反思”的邮件。

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.