It’s not until mile five that I get that flying feeling.
Posts tagged as “opinions”
There are red modes and green modes and phases of arrival; weekly testing, mandatory masking, and “enhanced” remote formats; a .02 coronavirus positivity rate at “peer institutions”; and an expected 1,700 undergraduate Smith students welcome back on campus.
We asked the Ada community if they had any advice they wished they could go back and tell their younger selves. Here’s what they told us…
I remember once walking into ninth grade English a few minutes early, hoping to clock in a few pages of Twilight before the bell rang-- a book my older sister recommended, and with which I was quickly becoming obsessed.
At any moment over the past few weeks, it seems like someone somewhere is imploring the American people to vote. From Instagram to Smith administration emails to the plane flying above my Pennsylvania hometown with a banner reminding us to send in our ballots, it’s a message that comes in from all sides: Vote, vote, vote.
“Hi there Billy, I am the one that took your sign,” began local student Zahra Ashe-Simmer’s open letter to a Northampton community Facebook page, where she sparked nearly one thousand comments about a controversial yard sign commissioned by Northampton resident Billy Park.
Perhaps you may not expect to be informed from the opinions section, but in case you haven’t heard the news, here it is: Pete Buttigieg…
In recent years, young Americans have strengthened their role in politics with higher rates of voter turnout and increased levels of political activism. As a…
On Feb. 7, 2020, Dr. Li Wenliang, a Chinese ophthalmologist at the Wuhan Center Hospital, died from the novel coronavirus, 35 days after he was…
My world has been altered seismically in these past six months, as have the ways in which I view my role both as a student…