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Young Americans: The Voting Bloc That Will Shape the 2020 Election

In recent years, young Americans have strengthened their role in politics with higher rates of voter turnout and increased levels of political activism. As a result, young people will play a vital role in the upcoming presidential election this November. 

The electorate for the 2020 election will, in fact, have a higher percentage of young people voting than in the 2016 election. American news site Axios reported that Gen-Z and Millennial voters will make up 37% of the 2020 electorate, with Gen-Z voters comprising 10% of that number. 

Young voters have already proven their political impact with the 2018 midterm elections. According to census data, the voter turnout for those between 18 and 29 years old increased by a 16% difference from midterm elections in 2014. The high voter turnout among young people in the midterm elections can serve as an important predictor for voter turnout for the presidential election. A poll from the Harvard Public Opinion Project found that 57% of the young people who voted in the midterm elections will vote in the upcoming presidential election. 

The increased levels of political activism among youth is another key predictor. Young activists have been at the center of recent social movements including the Global Climate Strike, Sunrise Movement, March for Our Lives, Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement. Fear and uncertainty seem to be driving this rise in activism. In a 2019 survey conducted by YPulse, they found that 86% of 13–17–year-olds and 79% of 18–36 year-olds are worried about the country’s future and view the current state of the world as chaotic. The Tufts Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement found that 51% of the politically engaged youth they polled said they are “extremely” likely to vote. 

The issues that young activists are fighting for align with platforms of current Democrat presidential candidates. US News reported that the top issues for the 2020 election are gun rights and gun control, free college and student debt, climate change, immigration, and abortion. YPulse’s survey revealed that climate change, debt, racism, dscrimination, gun violence, school shootings are some of the major issues Gen-Z and Millenials are currently concerned about. 

While these current issues in our country and the anxiety among young Americans about the future have increased voting and activism within this demographic, they have also shaped our generation’s goals for the upcoming election. According to CNN Health, justice and security are these goals. Voting will be vital for securing these goals and implementing change. 

Currently, our generation is witnessing a turbulent time in our society. Climate change has been declared as a global emergency. Gun violence and mass shootings are continuing to threaten school and public safety. Recent controversial immigration policies are harming families and young children. Sexual harassment and assault continues to affect women and LGBTQ+ identified individuals. Racism and violence continues to target black people and other racial minority groups. In the midst of this social and political unrest, there has been unprecedented social change due to increasing activism – and voting – among young people. 

Despite this evidence of progress, there is still more that needs to be done. Although our generation is often labelled as disengaged when it comes to social and political issues, the past few years have proven otherwise. The upcoming presidential election will be telling of how effective the political role of young people is for change.