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Posts tagged as “letter to the editor”

Carta a la Editora

Las clases de la primavera están en marcha y es hora de comprar los materiales necesarios para los cursos. Desafortunadamente, 65% de los estudiantes universitarios tendrán que hacer lo posible sin algunos de estos libros necesarios. Otros tendrán que abandonar las clases porque el costo de los materiales requeridos es simplemente demasiado alto.

Letter to the Editor

Pursuing a higher education is a privilege, particularly for marginalized communities across the nation, which I know firsthand as a Latine student raised in Spanish Harlem.

Letter to the Editor

Spring classes are underway and it's time to purchase required course materials. Unfortunately, 65% of college students will have to make do without some of their assigned textbooks. Others will have to drop classes because the cost of required materials is simply too high.