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Posts tagged as “Final Exams”

5 Ways to De-stress During Finals

Now that the reading period is over and students are in the midst of completing projects and taking exams, it is increasingly important to stay healthy in this time of high stress. Though it can sometimes be difficult to make time for activities unrelated to school, taking breaks is something that can help you focus better while you are working, and it is extremely beneficial for your overall health and mental state. If you’re unsure of a good way to do this, here are some ideas...

5 Ways to De-stress During Finals

Now that the reading period is over and students are in the midst of completing projects and taking exams, it is increasingly important to stay healthy in this time of high stress. Though it can sometimes be difficult to make time for activities unrelated to school, taking breaks is something that can help you focus better while you are working, and it is extremely beneficial for your overall health and mental state. If you’re unsure of a good way to do this, here are some ideas...