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5 Ways to De-stress During Finals

Now that the reading period is over and students are in the midst of completing projects and taking exams, it is increasingly important to stay healthy in this time of high stress. Though it can sometimes be difficult to make time for activities unrelated to school, taking breaks is something that can help you focus better while you are working, and it is extremely beneficial for your overall health and mental state. If you’re unsure of a good way to do this, here are some ideas: 

  1. Attend some OSE events. The OSE is hosting stress free events for the whole week. On Dec. 18, there will be a beverage bar from 11 p.m. to 12 a.m. followed by a Surprise Snack Wagon. On Dec. 19, there will be an Open Skate Night from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. followed by another Surprise Snack Wagon after midnight. The Stress Free Zone is open until  Dec. 20 at noon. All events are in the Campus Center, with the exception of Open Skate Night, which is at Interskate 91. 
  2. Stretch. Our muscles have a tendency to tighten when under heavy stress. Stretching releases that tension and increases blood flow, so it will relax your body and give you an energy boost, making you feel much more refreshed. 
  3. Go outside. Taking even just a short walk outside to get a change of scenery can help immensely. The cold air can help to wake you up, and being outdoors can help break the monotony of studying and renew your energy for your next task. 
  4. Do something you enjoy. Pick an amount of time that you feel comfortable spending, and then do an activity that you like for fun. Getting your mind off of your work for awhile will be extremely valuable and can often give you a new perspective when you sit back down to study again. 
  5. Sleep. A huge part of being able to function properly is getting enough sleep. If you are feeling exhausted in the middle of the day and your work feels like it’s getting harder and harder, there is no problem with taking a nap. Oftentimes, when you wake up you will be in a completely different mindset and being well rested will help immensely with doing the best work that you can. 

Almost done, Smithies! It’s the final stretch. Take care of yourselves and give your body rest when it needs it. You can do this.