Do laptop stickers provide an adequate avenue for students’ personal expression? Do their semi-permanent nature constrict personal growth over time? Through a survey of The Sophian’s laptop sticker holders, this article attempts to answer these questions and get to the root of today’s sticker personal branding phenomenon.
Posts tagged as “Features”
“When anybody dies, it’s like a library burning,” said Sam Wentworth, an Ada Comstock Scholar who ventured out to Hollywood when she was 16 years…
An immigrant, an artist and a documentarian, Ada Comstock scholar Lilo Danielyan’s journey to Smith is a story about a woman’s determination to receive an education.
To all the Libras out there invested in the Sun-Mercury-Mars Triple Conjunction this month, the McConnell Rooftop Observatory has your back! The start of classes means that the McConnell Observatory is in routine use by students once again.
On Tuesday nights at Helen Hills Chapel, you will find the first floor filled with people congregating in a circle. Everyone there is knitting, crocheting, or working on a different arts project, but all the while talking and laughing with one another. The whole atmosphere of the meeting is calm and laid back.
Los estudiantes de Smith se despertaron al sonido de las campanas el 27 de septiembre, lo que indica que había llegado el Día de la Montaña. A pesar de los intentos de hacer memorable este Día de la Montaña, algunos estudiantes de último año expresaron que este año fracasó en comparación con las celebraciones anteriores.
Hay mucho que criticar sobre las clases de Zoom. El intenso tiempo frente a la pantalla, las distracciones constantes y la falta de interacción social dificultan el aprendizaje de muchos estudiantes. Sin embargo, hay una ventaja de las clases en línea, que se les puede recordar a los estudiantes cuando regresan al campus: reducen la presión social.
Smith students woke to the sounds of bells ringing on Sept. 27, signaling that Mountain Day had arrived. Despite the attempts to make this Mountain Day memorable, some upperclassmen expressed that this year fell flat compared to previous celebrations.
There is much to criticize about Zoom classes. The intense screen time, the constant distractions and the lack of social interaction make it harder to learn for many students. There is one advantage to online classes however, that students might be reminded of when returning to campus: they reduce social pressure.
On campus for the first time after a year of online classes and activities, Smith College Class of 2024 expressed varying levels of comfort with the social life of the campus.