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The Sophian

Northampton Stop & Shop Workers Participate in Union Strike

On Thursday, April 11, workers at the Northampton Stop & Shop on King Street walked off the job as part of a union strike involving over 30,000 employees and spanning across Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This strike comes after months of failed negotiation to reach a new contract between the union and company. Stop & Shop employees are represented by the larger United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union. Many Stop & Shop stores across New England have been forced to close their doors due to a lack of working employees.

Professor, Performer — Steve Waksman and The Electric Eyes

Smith professor Steve Waksman, upon being asked what style The Electric Eyes, the band he plays in, and their newly released album, come under -- said that they are altogether a rock band, with influences from it’s subcategories such as -- indie rock of the 80’s and 90’s and psychedelic rock of the 60’s and 70’s.

A Tremendous Journey: Visiting Artist Jiayan Sun to Hold Last Concert in Beethoven Cycle

At 29 years old, pianist and Iva Dee Hiatt Visiting Artist & Lecturer in Music Jiayan Sun has already achieved his lifelong dream: the opportunity to perform the complete sonatas of the composer who, for him, inspired it all.

Five Steps to Spring Clean Your Life

Ah, springtime, the season of new beginnings and rebirth. The days are lengthening, and the greenery is reemerging. Somewhere out there is a bear – the breakout star of an unfilmed David Attenborough documentary – lumbering out from her den after months of hibernation. The last traces of winter may not have disappeared just yet, but spring is definitely on its way.

Smith Students for Social Justice Present Demands to Administration

On Thursday, April 11, the Students for Social Justice and Institutional Change (SSJIC) held a protest outside of John M. Greene Hall. This demonstration was held the day after Smith’s first Inclusion in Action conference, where sessions were held to discuss issues regarding diversity and inclusion.

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