The Sophian
Georgia Pharris ‘22, rugby player, slams into a teammate during practice and hits their head. They scramble around campus trying to find someone to help them get to the hospital. After asking three people, they finally find someone to drive them to Cooley Dickinson Hospital. There, Pharris sits in the waiting room distressed, wondering if their insurance will cover their bill. They leave the hospital four hours later diagnosed with a mild concussion.
Half a century later, we still continue to learn new truths about America in the Vietnam War. For an international event that dramatically altered the United States’ public trust in the military, there are still many lessons to learn.
Al comienzo del año académico, el Centro Schacht para la Salud y el Bienestar promulgó dos cambios notables para aquellos que tienen seguro de salud proporcionado a través de la universidad. Actualmente, el 40% de las estudiantes utilizan el plan de seguro médico para estudiantes de Smith College (SMESC), que brinda cobertura completa para una variedad de servicios médicos, incluyendo visitas a hospitales, salas de emergencias y especialistas.
France is often lovingly described as a land of wonderful gastronomic experiences: cassoulet, a casserole of white beans, duck legs and pork; poulet basquaise, tender chicken flavored with ham, tomatoes and peppers; boeuf bourguignon, cuts of beef slowly cooked in red wine and vegetables; the list goes on. Knowing of these traditional French dishes, I was a bit nervous to study abroad in Paris this past summer as a vegetarian. Of course, I knew I wouldn’t starve, but would I miss out on experiencing Paris to the fullest? Would I feel left out of a major part of their culture?
Original article by Sowon Yoon.
Kathleen McCartney, presidenta de Smith College, Floyd Cheung, el recién nombrado vicepresidente de Equidad e Inclusión y Susan Etheredge, Decana del College y vicepresidenta de Campus Life, enviaron un correo electrónico a los estudiantes, el personal y los miembros de la facultad en el 5 de septiembre, 2019. El correo electrónico resume sus "reflexiones y planes para profundizar el compromiso de Smith con la equidad y la inclusión."
文/Sowoon Yoon.
翻译/Eugenia Yuan.
2019年9月5日,史密斯学院校长Kathleen McCartney、新任校园公正包容事务副主席Floyd Cheung、学校主任及校园生活副主席Susan Etheredge发给全校师生员工一封主题为“关于深化校园公正包容的反思”的邮件。
At the start of this academic year, the Schacht Center for Health and Wellness enacted two notable changes for those who have health insurance provided through the college. Currently, 40% of students purchase the Smith College Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), which provides full coverage for a variety of medical services, including hospital, emergency room and specialist visits.
In case you haven’t noticed, The Sophian is changing. A lot.