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The Sophian

Dive into the Archives: Winter Traditions Edition

A blustery snowstorm arrived in Northampton on the heels of Thanksgiving Break, covering the Smith campus in a blanket of white. The appearance of snow people on Chapin Lawn and the Grecourt Gates adorned with lights shows that Smith is getting into the spirit of the season. To find out what Smithies of the past did to celebrate this wonderful time of year, I took a dive into the Smith Archives. Some of the traditions we celebrate today — events like Winter Weekend and Vespers — have deep roots in Smith history, going back more than one hundred years.

5 Ways to De-stress During Finals

Now that the reading period is over and students are in the midst of completing projects and taking exams, it is increasingly important to stay healthy in this time of high stress. Though it can sometimes be difficult to make time for activities unrelated to school, taking breaks is something that can help you focus better while you are working, and it is extremely beneficial for your overall health and mental state. If you’re unsure of a good way to do this, here are some ideas...

5 Ways to De-stress During Finals

Now that the reading period is over and students are in the midst of completing projects and taking exams, it is increasingly important to stay healthy in this time of high stress. Though it can sometimes be difficult to make time for activities unrelated to school, taking breaks is something that can help you focus better while you are working, and it is extremely beneficial for your overall health and mental state. If you’re unsure of a good way to do this, here are some ideas...

The Genre-Savvy Fun of “Knives Out”

“Knives Out,” directed by Rian Johnson and theatrically released on Nov. 27, contains a scene in which a character describes the film’s forbidding mansion setting as “practically […] a Clue board.” It is an unexpected but wholly appropriate moment. A whodunit murder mystery inspired heavily by “Clue,” “Knives Out” isn’t interested in shying away from its modern time period or in denying its genre roots. Part homage and part subversion, “Knives Out” relishes the way it plays with audience expectations, seeming to welcome comparison to other works.

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