Nine years after beginning her gender transition, Cristina Morales made the decision to migrate to the United States from Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. The year was 1997, and upon arrival she began her career as an activist and inspiration for undocumented transgender women.
The Sophian
The introduction of the camera trap in the early 2000s allowed us to answer the long pondered philosophical question: if a tree falls in a forest and there is a camera trap around to record it, is the camera trap a useful tool? The rise in popularity of the camera trap allowed humans to have an ever present eye, similar to Big Brother but with nature. Camera traps help researchers collect data on fauna that are typically considered “shy” when using other methods of surveying. This is because camera traps reduce impact from data collection on animal behavior.
Traducción por Emilia Tamayo
Presidenta McCartney y el vicepresidente de Finanzas y Administración le enviaron una carta a la comunidad de Smith el 3 de abril actualizando a los estudiantes y al personal sobre la posición financiera de la universidad en medio del COVID-19 impacto de la crisis en los mercados mundiales.
“Cuando nos convertimos en Smithies, se nos prometió que siempre habría un lugar para
nosotros aquí, que estaríamos a salvo aquí ”, dijo Amelia Windorski '20, presidenta de Active
Minds, de una petición enviada a la comunidad de Smith anoche. “El plan [de Smith] pondría a
los estudiantes en situaciones inseguras y eso es inaceptable. Como una amplia coalición de
estudiantes de Smith, estamos solicitando un plan alternativo al propuesto por el equipo de
respuesta ".
Kris Evans, the Interim Director of the Schacht Center, upholds confidentiality before anything else when testing and planning for a possible Covid-19 case within the…
An April 20 email from President Kathleen McCartney and Vice President for Finance and Administration David DeSwert to the Smith community outlined the college’s plan moving forward amid the COVID-19 crisis.
President McCartney and the VP of Finance and Administration sent a letter to the Smith community April 3 updating students and staff on the financial…
“When we became Smithies, we were promised that there would always be a place for us here, that we would be safe here,” Amelia Windorski…
Today, President McCartney sent out an email to the Smith community announcing that, to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 on campus, students, unless they had…
I open my Tinder and scroll through matches, looking for one of my oldest ones. I finally reach my ex from over a year ago.…