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The Sophian

What I Watched During Quarantine: “Riverdale”

I consumed my fair share of “highbrow” media over Quarantine Summer: I finally watched “Fleabag.” I got deeply into the twisted capitalist world of HBO’s “Succession.” I read a lot of modern literary fiction and finally took advantage of that Smith College New York Times subscription.

But my one true quarantine love, the one piece of media that made good on the promise of important art and transported me out of these Unprecedented Times, was "Riverdale," the CW’s violent, glossy, completely off-the-wall adaptation of the Archie Comics.

Activist Art in the Time of the Pandemic

In the past few months, we have seen a surplus of mural paintings throughout the nation. The movement was sparked by the commission of the BLM street painting, by the Washington D.C. mayor, Murial Browser. Since then, communities across America have taken to the streets with road-marking paint to cement the statement “Black Lives Matter.”

Activist Art in the Time of the Pandemic

In the past few months, we have seen a surplus of mural paintings throughout the nation. The movement was sparked by the commission of the BLM street painting, by the Washington D.C. mayor, Murial Browser. Since then, communities across America have taken to the streets with road-marking paint to cement the statement “Black Lives Matter.”

Student Arts Organizations Adapt to All-Virtual Semester

After Smith announced that the fall semester would be held remotely, student organizations that were prepping for in-person events have had to revert back to Zoom meetings and Google Docs. For arts-based organizations, this change has forced them to translate their medium to a digital canvas. 

The Path to the Promised Land: Eric K. Ward opens 2020 Presidential Colloquium Series

Ward’s talk, “Authoritarian State or Inclusive Democracy? What We Can Do Right Now,” was a rallying cry to all Smithies witnessing our country as it exists today — where democracy is jeopardized and the lethal effects of decades of insurgent white supremacy are coming to fruition.

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