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The Sophian

Smith forays into tech updates

As Smithies wrapped up spring semester earlier this year, they knew they would come back to a changed campus in the fall due to Neilson construction. We knew Neilson would be inaccessible for a while, and we were, naturally, concerned by the potential lack of study spaces that may arise. 

President McCartney issues response to Trump’s decision to end DACA

President McCartney issued a response after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on September 5 the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy on behalf of the Trump administration. DACA is a policy implemented in 2012 under President Obama that allows some undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to pursue education and employment opportunities. 

Smith celebrates the start of a new academic year at convocation

Students and faculty members at Smith celebrated the start of the new academic year at convocation on the evening of September 6. Classes began on Thursday, September 7.

   The celebratory, student-focused college tradition first introduced by the college’s first female president Jill Ker Conway in 1975 now features house-themed costumes, house chants and minimal clothing. 

Smith awards honorary degrees to five notable leaders

Cassie Follman ‘20Contributing Writer Each year, Smith awards honorary degrees to individuals who emulate the college’s values and are seen as inspirations in their fields.…

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