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Posts published in “Features”

Here to be Free — Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy on Global Women’s Activism

Award-winning activist and filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ‘02 gave the second address in the 2019-2020 Presidential Colloquium series on Oct. 17, 2019. Her speech, entitled “On Artist Activism: Women’s Rights in a Volatile World,” combined clips from her various films with personal accounts of her life experiences to explore what the modern female activist looks like.

Behind the Screens of the Smith Confessional: Q & A with Shibo Xu

Whether you love the Smith Confessional or just love to hate it, there’s no denying that the website occupies an essential place in the Smith social conversation. Last week I caught up with Shibo Xu, the Refersion co-founder who moonlights as the owner and self-proclaimed “janitor” of the Smith Confessional, to talk about the history of the Confessionals, his approach to moderation, and who he thinks the Confessional is a safe space for.

Snack on That: Eating Sustainably, for Smithies

As you scan the dinner menus after your afternoon class, you may be deciding which options look the tastiest (or at least, whatever is better than the blackened cod). However, in the wake of various climate movements around the world and Smith’s “Year on Climate Change,” you might be wondering how you can lessen your carbon footprint.

Snack on That: Eating Sustainably, for Smithies

As you scan the dinner menus after your afternoon class, you may be deciding which options look the tastiest (or at least, whatever is better than the blackened cod). However, in the wake of various climate movements around the world and Smith’s “Year on Climate Change,” you might be wondering how you can lessen your carbon footprint.

Learning to ‘Call In’ with Professor Loretta Ross

Over the past few weeks, visiting associate professor Loretta Ross hosted two workshops entitled “Calling Out: Holding Ourselves Accountable” and “Calling In: Building Unity Through Love.” These events sought to begin a conversation about ‘call out’ culture, which will culminate in a symposium of the same name. Organized in conjunction with Professor Carrie Baker from the Department for the Study of Women & Gender, the symposium is set to take place on Feb. 22, 2020.

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.