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Updates on Kavanaugh’s accusation

Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh has denied Dr. Christine Ford’s sexual assault allegations since she first brought them before the Senate. However, while many in the general population agree that his outright denial is shameful at best, Kavanaugh’s emotional reaction to Christine Blasey Ford’s claims have been the most surprising to the public. This is believed to risk his chances of becoming the next and highest Judge in the US council.

In Kavanaugh’s opening statement in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he put up a rather impassioned defense.

“I am not questioning that Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time, but I have never done this to her or to anyone,” While reading his statement,  Kavanaugh got emotional as he mentioned the impact of this allegation on his family and, more specifically, on his ten-year-old daughter, as she mentioned to Kavanaugh that they should pray for Ford.

As the case pushed forward, there was increasing pressure for Kavanaugh to agree to an FBI investigation. Kavanaugh was against the investigation from the start, claiming that if Ford could not substantiate her claims, then there was no reason for an FBI investigation.

Nevertheless, Kavanaugh has supposedly agreed to the investigation during questioning by number two democrat in the Senate Dick Durbin (D-IL). Kavanaugh agreed to whatever the decision the committee made, but never affirmed buying the idea the of a federal inquiry.

The final verdict will likely come soon, as several Senators are pressing for a vote within the week.