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The girl who got accepted into everything

This is an exclusive sit-down interview with one of Smith’s brightest individuals, Tahira Norton ’18. Tahira has been accepted into nine graduate school programs and has already received job offers from Wells Fargo, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs.

Interviewer: Hello, Tahira — it’s wonderful to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much about you, and as I’m sure you know, your successes are admired by many. Let’s cut to the chase — how did you get to where you are

T.N.: Well, let me just kick this off by saying that it’s truly an honor to be interviewed by the Sophian. My experience at Smith has been life-changing, but my achievements are not, by any means, big. I mean, there is just so much more that I can do, and I’m determined to work hard to make a name for myself. There have absolutely been challenges along the path to my success, but my competitive nature has made it easy for me to consider these roadblocks as a game. There isn’t free lunch in this world, so I’ve learned to create my own success. Of course, I have a great support system — it’s truly always helpful to have well-connected parents.

Interviewer: With everything that goes on in your life, how do you maintain a balanced lifestyle? You always look so fit and alert! What does a typical day look like for you?

T.N.: I start my morning with barley tea — organic, of course. It wakes up the system. The classes that I have vary on a daily basis, but if I am already familiar with the material, or if it isn’t interesting enough for me, I just don’t go. I’m simply too busy. On some days, I will attend conferences or give talks. And you ask what I do to maintain my trimmed figure? Right now, I’ve been having two meals a day, and I’m trying out intermittent fasting. It also helps that I never eat at the dining halls. And I abstain from carbs and sugars to keep myself alert and focused. While I take academics very seriously, I try not to study after 7 p.m. because it affects my mood. Finally, I end my day with some mindfulness meditation at 10 p.m.

Interviewer: That sounds interesting. And what would your biggest advice to your fellow Smith students be?

T.N.: Focus on the key elements. Be the person that you want to be. It’s cliché! I know, but simply being here at Smith does wonders for you. You’re on this beautiful campus, you’re living alongside some of the best students in the world and you’re part of these incredible house communities. Make sure to try new things! Smith gives you so many opportunities to discover yourself. Everyone is always so encouraging and accepting of one another, so there is never anything to fear. Do as much as you can and use your activities to establish new, and most importantly, useful connections!