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Posts tagged as “the sophian”

50 Años del Poder: Celebrando la Vida Inmortal y el Legado de Ms. Magazine

Ms. Magazine está celebrando su 50 aniversario con estilo — embarcándose en una gira de libros a nivel nacional para 50 Years of Ms. que reúne feministas, activistas, y mentes curiosas por igual. El 28 de septiembre la gira llegó a Smith, que fue llamada inadvertidamente “Ms. University” durante el evento, demostrando la relación de larga data entre las instituciones.

A Conversation with Melissa Parrish: The Value of Varied Life Experience in Academia

Born and raised in Kaneohe, Hawaii, Assistant Professor of English Language & Literature Melissa Parrish grew up wanting to be a marine biologist, fascinated by the marine life around her. After spending a day with her mother’s marine biologist friend, Parrish realized that life was not for her, and instead “went for the thing she loved most — books and reading.”

Have You Met Webster?

Over the last few years, Webster, an eight-year-old English lab, has been coined as the “unofficial mascot” of Smith College. Sporting a variety of colorful bandanas during the day and an LED light-up harness at night, Webster walks around campus with his owner, Robert Abuza. 

These Don’t Have to Be the ‘Best Years of Your Life’

Before going to college, I was told by many I knew who had already been to college that these years would be the best of my life. Going in, I knew this was not guaranteed, but after COVID-19 canceled my senior year of high school, I was ready to embark on the next leg of my journey and finally experience this pivotal part of  young adulthoodI had heard so much about. 

The Autumnal Lovers’ Lament

It’s cuffing season and, at long last, I am cuffed. After struggling through a summer filled with pangs of yearning and many long-distance FaceTime calls, I feel so lucky to be on the same campus as my partner once again. But, as the leaves begin to turn and Smithies start to bring their coziest grandpa sweaters out of hibernation, I am once again reminded that it is, in fact, cuffing season, and I want to be cuffed in the cutest, most domestic, most gay-girl-autumn way possible.