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Posts tagged as “stress management”

Getting A’s are bad for your work ethic

As much as Smith students like to say, “C’s get degrees” and “Done is better than good,” we still have an enormous stress problem on campus. Students stay up later, and wake up earlier than they should, cut class to finish assignments, pass on job opportunities and internships to have more time for their classes, all in search of a perfect 4.0.

Secrets of handling stress from the pros in Pyeongchang

Stress gets to everyone, even winter Olympians in Pyeongchang right now. Stress in athletes can be mental and physical as these athletes push themselves to their limits in training to be the best at their sport. Stress can be difficult to deal with, manifesting itself not only mentally, but also physically.

Dear Sophian…

Dear Sophian,

As a first year, I’m feeling stressed lately with course registration, doing my work, making time to hang out with friends and doing well in my classes. How can I balance all of that and stay sane?

Reducing stress at Smith

Being a college student can be stressful. Most Smith students report that they have experienced some stress-related symptoms, such as feeling overwhelmed and drained, throughout their time at school. Developing healthy coping skills is important to stress management and can reduce overall stress levels. Be sure you are getting enough sleep, taking time for fun and relaxation, prioritizing physical fitness and health eating and practicing effective time-management strategies. Make the most out of your college experience and resources available by experiencing new things and getting involved around campus.