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Posts tagged as “smith dining”

An Alum Legacy: Julia Child Day at Smith College

On Thursday, Nov. 16, Smith College honored the legacy of Julia Child ’34 by bringing her recipes to life in dining halls across campus. This special tradition featured students feasting on an array of delicacies from her cookbooks, recreated by dining hall staff. Specific favorites included coconut macaroons, brie en croutes and chocolate hazelnut croissants.

Dining and Housekeeping Union Reaches Contract Agreement With Smith College

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 211, the Smith dining and housekeeping union, has reached an agreement for their new contract after almost five months of negotiations. The first official meeting for negotiating the new contract was May 25, and the contract was signed Nov. 14. 

Dining Staff in Their Home Kitchens: Favorite Thanksgiving Meals

As Thanksgiving rolls around every year, it seems as though everyone has a different take on the traditional holiday menu, whether that means a complete rejection of the usual or a unique interpretation of a well-known item. At Smith, many dining hall staff members end up cooking multiple Thanksgiving dishes: some for the students who stay over break and some for their own families. Because of this, they often have experience making many different types of Thanksgiving foods.