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Posts tagged as “smith college”

Smith Crew in Review: On Hard Work, Accessibility and Unity

For the past few years, the Smith College Crew team has consistently been ranking in the top ten Division III teams in the country, but this season has been one to remember. Three Smith athletes, out of a total of 18 athletes nationally, were recognized by the Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association (CRCA) as “rowers to watch”: Megan Holm ’24, Linnea Schultz ’24 and Sofia Trotta ’25.

‘The Snowman’: Reliving the Magic of Winters Past

Recently, I forced my girlfriend through the ordeal that any number of my friends, partners and casual acquaintances have been subjected to in the past — a showing of the 1982 classic “The Snowman.” Based on a picture book of the same name, “The Snowman” is a hand-illustrated silent short film accompanied by an original symphonic score. All aspects which my willing or unwilling viewers have no doubt found riveting. Not to mention that it inflicts more emotional damage than any children’s Christmas movie has a right to. Call it my artistic appreciation (or early onset depression) but its bittersweet mood is one of the many reasons it was my favorite film as a child.

La Increíble Historia Real De Cómo Me Enamoré De Una Película

Hace un año, descubrí "La Increíblemente Verdadera Aventura de Dos Chicas Enamoradas" (1995), una bella película romántica independiente escrita y dirigida por un colega Smithie, Maria Maggenti '86 que cuenta la historia de cómo dos chicas adolescentes se enamoran la una de la otra.

Estudiantes de Smith exigen desinversión mientras la administración rechaza la propuesta

El 7 de diciembre de 2023, el capítulo de Estudiantes por la Justicia en Palestina (SJP, por sus siglas en inglés) de Smith College solicitó formalmente que el Colegio se deshaga de siete prominentes fabricantes mundiales de armas. Posteriormente, expandieron su demanda para abarcar la desinversión de todos los contratistas militares y fabricantes de armas. El 26 de marzo de 2024, el Comité Asesor sobre Responsabilidad del Inversor (ACIR, por sus siglas en inglés) emitió un correo electrónico a todo el campus revelando su decisión de no respaldar la propuesta de SJP al Comité de Inversiones.

1000 Ways for a Party to Die (featuring Scshenangians)

Not I, nor anyone else, would dare to call Smith College a party school. It is not an overstatement or bad faith criticism to say weekends on campus are sometimes, perhaps often, dire. The underwhelming party scene is widely recognized and, for this very reason, also not particularly compelling to analyze.