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Posts tagged as “smith college”

With Affirmative Action Overturned, Smith Grapples with Next Steps

When the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in a landmark 6-3 decision on June 29, 2023, colleges and universities across the country scrambled for a response. Months later, it is clear that institutions of higher education, including Smith College, are still struggling to find a way to ensure diversity.

‘There Is Still So Much to Learn’: Barbara Kellum on a ‘Heartfelt’ Teaching Career

For Barbara Kellum, Professor of Art, teaching at Smith College was “love at first sight.” She began teaching at Smith in the mid-1980s following the completion of her PhD at Harvard University. Moving to Cambridge for graduate school was her first experience on the East Coast as a California native, but she hasn’t looked back since, calling it a “revelation” to be here. This year, Kellum has been honored with the Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching.

President Kathleen McCartney on a Decade at Smith

When it was first announced that I was going to be the eleventh president, I was invited to campus while Carol Christ was president. There was an event in John M. Green, just like there was for Sarah, and I talked about college access and affordability. I think you might know (because I talk about it frequently) that I’m the first person in my family to go to college. My dad didn’t finish high school — he worked in a factory — and I’m just passionate about this. In order to have people like me on campus, it requires generous financial aid, so that was the one goal I came in knowing that I had.

Smith Admits 19% of Applicants from Largest, Most Diverse Pool in Smith’s History

For the Class of 2027, Smith College received applicants from all 50 states and DC, 4 U.S. territories, and 140 different countries. Out of 9,968 applicants, 19% were admitted. On May 1, National Decision Day, admitted students made their final college decisions, and Smith’s class of 2027 is on their way to Northampton. 

Tethering Groove at Mount Holyoke: Dance Showcase Highlights Diaspora and Intimacy

Tethering Groove, the Mount Holyoke dance department’s senior performance, showcases pieces choreographed by five students and featuring dancers of many backgrounds, even including dancers from other schools. The two-night dance performance garnered an audience from across the Five College Consortium as well — with students from Smith, Mount Holyoke, and UMass in attendance.