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Posts tagged as “smith college theatre”

Smith’s First English Thesis in the Format of a Play Bridges English and Theatre Departments

This year, English major Tanya Ritchie AC ’19 will be the first Smith student to complete a creative thesis in the format of a play with her piece “Them What Brung You.” While it may not have always been the easiest process, her work to establish the option should open new doors for future Smith students who want to take this path.

Theatre Capstone Groups Shake Off the “inevitable death” trope With “Rose is a Rose” and “From Will to Women”

There seems to be something about the “bury the gays” trope that screenwriters just can’t get enough of. You can find it in everything, from Degrassi to NCIS to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you find a non-straight or non-cisgender character you like, chances are that they’ll be killed off, kicked out of their home to never be seen again or otherwise conveniently erased from the main storyline. Are LGBTQIA+ folks in the media always doomed to a bleak future, or can room be made for more positive endings?