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Posts tagged as “Raina Okonogi-Neth”

Fearless (Taylor’s Version)

Taylor Swift released “Fearless (Taylor’s Version)” (“TV”) April 9, a re-recording of her 2008 album “Fearless.” The release is the first in a series of planned re-recordings of Swift’s first six albums. This follows a highly publicized battle over the ownerships of the albums, which were acquired by talent manager Scooter Braun as part of an acquisition with Big Machine Records, Swift’s former label.

Smith Theatre Department Presents: The Amplifier Project

The Smith Department of Theatre’s fall show, The Amplifier Project, is now live. The show takes the form of a collection of 29 individual pieces, all of which can be viewed online at The Amplifier website. Though they range in style and subject matter, most of the pieces are video, totaling nearly two hours of footage. The project was put together by 85 participants from across the Smith community, working together remotely from three different countries and 18 different states.

Smith Stitchers Wonder, ‘How Do We Document This Time in Stitches?’

One night, just before the start of the  2020 remote fall semester, Ruby Lowery ’21 thought “I’m going to create a blanket.”
This idea would become the Smith Covid-19 blanket, a year-long undertaking by Smith Stitchers, the knitting club that Lowery founded with Natalie Mosher ’21 in 2018.


El domingo 31 de agosto, Smith celebró su primera convocatoria digital. 

El evento, que se llevó a cabo como un seminario web sobre Zoom, contó con los discursos del nuevo decano del College Baishakhi Taylor y la presidenta Kathleen McCartney, una actuación musical del Smith College Glee Club y discursos de la presidenta de la SGA, Esther Mejia '21 y la clase Senior. Presidenta Jane Casey-Fleener '21. La ceremonia duró poco menos de 30 minutos. 

What I Watched During Quarantine: “Riverdale”

I consumed my fair share of “highbrow” media over Quarantine Summer: I finally watched “Fleabag.” I got deeply into the twisted capitalist world of HBO’s “Succession.” I read a lot of modern literary fiction and finally took advantage of that Smith College New York Times subscription.

But my one true quarantine love, the one piece of media that made good on the promise of important art and transported me out of these Unprecedented Times, was "Riverdale," the CW’s violent, glossy, completely off-the-wall adaptation of the Archie Comics.

Generating Intra-College Solidarity One Meme at a Time: An Interview with the Person Behind @historicallywomens.c0m

Even if you don’t follow the account yourself, if you’re a student with an Instagram at a historically women’s college, you’ve probably seen memes from the account @historicallywomens.c0m. In fact, for many students, this account makes up the bulk of interactions they have with...