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Posts tagged as “pioneer valley”

Russian American Businesses During the War

A couple weeks ago, my Russian language professor took us on a field trip. We piled into a van and drove to the nearest Russian grocery store, in Springfield. Entering the store felt like being absorbed into another world. Our trip was a fascinating and humorous language-learning experience. But shopping there almost two months into Putin’s war in Ukraine has generated some questions.

Northampton Joins Together to Fight Climate Change

On Friday, Sept. 20, various organizations local to Western Massachusetts hosted public events as part of a larger global movement to fight climate change. These events were largely inspired by the work of climate activist Greta Thunberg. Groups including Extinction Rebellion Western Mass., Sunrise Northampton, and Climate Action Now helped organize a march and rally at Northampton City Hall, as well as a Solidarity Strike at Pulaski Park, a Solidarity Vigil in Springfield, a dance benefit at the First Churches in Northampton, and several other events.

Breakfast with a cause

Every year, the Pioneer Valley Central Labor Council hosts a “Legislative Breakfast”: an event where community members discuss their concerns over labor issues with legislative leaders and lawmakers. With events like these, the Labor Council strives to become a more inclusive and representative union of all members of the Pioneer Valley.

Cuisine and Customs, Korea Style

This past Saturday, the Korean American Students of Smith (KASS) hosted their annual Korean Culture Day. The activities, which took place in the afternoon, were…