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Posts tagged as “opinions”

Reframing Success: Advocating for the Inclusion of Piper Kerman ’92 in Smith College’s Notable Alum List

Smith has a long and robust list of notable alums, a list about which the College frequently boasts. The Campus Center was recently named after Julia Child ’34. Just last year, Gloria Steinem ’56 visited John M. Greene Hall and spoke to students. The list includes CEOs, political figures, advocates, artists, actors and authors. One missing from this list is Piper Kerman ’92, author of the New York Times bestseller Orange is the New Black: My Year In A Women’s Prison

The Autumnal Lovers’ Lament

It’s cuffing season and, at long last, I am cuffed. After struggling through a summer filled with pangs of yearning and many long-distance FaceTime calls, I feel so lucky to be on the same campus as my partner once again. But, as the leaves begin to turn and Smithies start to bring their coziest grandpa sweaters out of hibernation, I am once again reminded that it is, in fact, cuffing season, and I want to be cuffed in the cutest, most domestic, most gay-girl-autumn way possible. 

Responding to Silence

On Feb. 28, 2022, the Smith College Provost Office released a statement titled “Responding to the Invasion of Ukraine.” The letter unequivocally labeled the events of Feb. 24, 2022 an invasion, which was urgently condemned and its “humanitarian consequences” recognized. The statement was clear; there was no potential ambiguity, no room for doubt or misinterpretation. In this case, history didn’t seem complicated and the conversations weren’t difficult. The discourse was not a mere clash or the latest episode in the convoluted conflict between Russia and Ukraine; it was unmistakably an invasion.