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Posts tagged as “Nicole Perry”

Creating Routines for a Successful Semester

Can good routines really make an impact? WebMD explains one psychological benefit of having a good routine is that “if you have a plan, you’ll feel more in control.” It can be difficult to maintain routines when external factors (i.e., pandemics or school schedules) dictate your schedule. Conversely, however, having daily practices that ground you can set the tone to handle these outside stressors. Need some ideas? We have a few that you can test out…

Swimming Away the Pain with Carin Teresa

Every day Carin Teresa swims in the frigid rivers of western Massachusetts to manage her chronic pain. Ice swimming is touted as an alternative wellness practice for its myriad of benefits: boosting the immune system, weight loss, improving circulation and increased parasympathetic activity, which can result in improvement with anxiety, depression, stress management and gut issues.