For many students, the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (CRSL) conjures up an image of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel. But the CRSL is more than that striking white steeple–it’s a subsidiary of the Office for Equity and Inclusion that offers a wide variety of resources to the student body, regardless of religious affiliation.
Posts tagged as “Louise Michel”
A Capella is central to Smith culture. With seven a cappella groups in total, they all bring a different niche to the stage and negotiate their histories with their present to create vibrant communities.
Within the Smith housing system, there are two houses that operate as “food co-operatives”: Hopkins and Tenney. In these houses, co-op residents opt out of the regular Smith meal plan and instead share groceries independently and prepare some communal meals.
Martedi, io, una lesbica con circa venti anni, ho fatto mi prima ceretta brasiliana. Sono arrivata a questa decisione dopo tanto deliberazione - c'è “antifemminista” a ricevere una ceretta di bikini? A pagare qualcuno lacerare i miei capelli pubici, sto perpetuando le norme di bellezza eurocentrica e pedofila? Mi farà tanto male e me darà molti capelli incarniti? Ma alla fine ho deciso che una ceretta è una esperienza, ma provo qualsiasi cosa almeno una volta.