In a time when television shows and films are increasingly accessible and many have taken to binging shows during the pandemic, it can be difficult to envision what place books have in our lives. Nonetheless, they are still a source of knowledge and a break from reality which aid readers in delving into new worlds and ideas.
Posts tagged as “Lola Anaya”
Traducido del ingles por Laisha Aniceto
“Recuerdo que un periodista me preguntó cuál fue una de las cosas más importantes que aprendí después de los huracanes Irma y María y dije, ya no podemos ocultar nuestra desigualdad detrás de palmeras y piñas coladas”, afirmó la ex alcaldesa de San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz.
“I remember one reporter asked me what was one of the most important things that I learned after Hurricanes Irma and Maria and I said, we will no longer be able to hide our inequality behind palm trees and piña coladas,” stated former Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz.
According to NBC News, hate crimes against the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community increased over 150% in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic was speculated to…