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Posts tagged as “LGBTQ”

The Smith Chop: What’s in a Mane?

The ’Big Chop’. The ‘Buzz’. The ‘Young Leo’. The “I’m so tired of my wet hair freezing to my head in the dead of winter.” Whatever the motivation or inspiration, the ‘Smith chop’ — when Smithies dramatically change their hair sometime after enrolling — is a phenomenon that rests near and dear to the hearts of several generations of Smithies. Its possible origins are as fascinating and numerous as the reasons people get it. Even if it’s not listed in the glossy brochures next to Mountain Day, the chop serves as a memorable event for many who pass through our ivy-laced campus.

“Sensitivity Training” Explores the Adage “Suffering Builds Character” in a Humorous Tale of Forced Friendship

Meet Serena: she regularly gets kicked out of movie theatres, snaps at coworkers in her microbiology lab and corrects the grammar of her date mid-hookup. In her opinion, the fewer people she has to fake kindness towards, the better. But after taking a critique of a colleague too far, she must undergo sensitivity training if she wants to keep her job.