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Posts tagged as “Lazarus Center”

La vida salvaje de Smith está harta de la construcción

Smith College ha anunciado recientemente la construcción de un nuevo edificio para el Centro Lazarus de Desarrollo Profesional y el Centro Wurtele de Liderazgo, que se construirá en una loma con vistas a Paradise Pond. En respuesta a este anuncio, muchos estudiantes han recurrido a las redes sociales para discutir la validez del proyecto.

Navigating Careers in Government, International Affairs and Law & Policy with Heather Deland

In Aug. 2023, Smith College’s Lazarus Center welcomed Heather Deland, its first career specialist in law, government, policy and international affairs. Before joining the Smith community, Deland worked as the Internship and Career Coordinator at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass).

Applying to Summer Internships

Alice Mungyu ‘19Features Editor Summer is fast approaching and that means it’s that time of the year again: applying to internships or research positions. To…