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Posts tagged as “knitting”

Ode to the Fiber Arts

Like many a stir-crazy teenager, I, too, looked to my grandmother’s old yarn hoard as a means of working through my quarantine boredom in the early days of the pandemic. My affair with the fiber arts began as it often does: mindless fiddling with different crochet hooks and tangled skeins of yarn.

Smith Stitchers Wonder, ‘How Do We Document This Time in Stitches?’

One night, just before the start of the  2020 remote fall semester, Ruby Lowery ’21 thought “I’m going to create a blanket.”
This idea would become the Smith Covid-19 blanket, a year-long undertaking by Smith Stitchers, the knitting club that Lowery founded with Natalie Mosher ’21 in 2018.