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Posts tagged as “kelly coons”

El Racismo y el Coronavirus

Si no lo ha escuchado, déjeme ser el primero en decirle: Massachusetts tiene su primer caso confirmado del nuevo coronavirus. Además, al momento de escribir, un estudiante que exhibió síntomas similares al resfriado y que pudo haber estado expuesto al virus fue puesto en cuarentena

Microaggressions: A Needed Paradigm Shift

Microaggressions are a symptom of a much larger problem in our thought process. First of all, the only thing small about microaggressions is the amount…

Department of Theatre Foregrounds Accessibility in Production of ‘The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time’

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” debuted as a play Aug. 2, 2012, based off of the 2003 novel. Smith presented it Oct. 26, 2019. Smith also presented previews Oct. 22, 23 and 24 for the autistic community. I had the opportunity to attend the Wednesday preview. It was a standard preview, but instead of being asked about line delivery and pace, I was asked about the intensity of the lights and sound.