When it was first announced that I was going to be the eleventh president, I was invited to campus while Carol Christ was president. There was an event in John M. Green, just like there was for Sarah, and I talked about college access and affordability. I think you might know (because I talk about it frequently) that I’m the first person in my family to go to college. My dad didn’t finish high school — he worked in a factory — and I’m just passionate about this. In order to have people like me on campus, it requires generous financial aid, so that was the one goal I came in knowing that I had.
Posts tagged as “Jordan Ferdman”
Smith College sits snugly at the intersection of liberal arts and historically women’s colleges...
I was accepted by Smith College with a caveat — I would have to matriculate in January. Initially, I was too excited about my acceptance to read beyond “Congratulations!” It was only when I examined the letter more carefully that I noticed the minor hitch.