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Posts tagged as “Jade Mosley”

The “Visiting” Conundrum

Smith, like most small liberal arts colleges, promises a superior commitment to teaching undergraduate students. Professors don’t disappear to work on their research and leave the bulk of student engagement to teaching assistants; rather, they create the classroom environment. That level of engagement is a high demand for faculty, even those who are tenure-track or tenured.

The Beauty in the Fun

Celebration began as a student response to a hateful incident on campus in the ’90s in which the Wilson House steps were chalked with homophobic…

Sorry I Wrote This

“Sorry to bother you again!” “Don’t apologize! You know, since coming to a historically women’s college, I’ve noticed that you all-“ “Say sorry too much?”…

Smith Has a Period Problem

The horrifying middle school classroom paranoia that your period has started fades away mostly in high school, and nearly completely at an institution like Smith. However, I think we need to do more than simply remove the stigma around periods. Smith College, which has posited itself as a progressive institution for gender and sexuality has to understand that accessibility remains a serious issue for menstrual hygiene.