Hay mucho que criticar sobre las clases de Zoom. El intenso tiempo frente a la pantalla, las distracciones constantes y la falta de interacción social dificultan el aprendizaje de muchos estudiantes. Sin embargo, hay una ventaja de las clases en línea, que se les puede recordar a los estudiantes cuando regresan al campus: reducen la presión social.
Posts tagged as “Hannah Beck”
There is much to criticize about Zoom classes. The intense screen time, the constant distractions and the lack of social interaction make it harder to learn for many students. There is one advantage to online classes however, that students might be reminded of when returning to campus: they reduce social pressure.
traduzido por: Olivia Sabini-Leite
Quando o Smith College abriu para o semestre de primavera 2021, cerca de 1.300 des 2.500 alunes do Smith voltaram aos seus dormitórios de acordo com o Departamento de Assuntos Estudantis, contudo muites optaram por concluir o semestre a distância.
Despite the great challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic imposes on international traveling, three Smithies have made it to Iceland, where they will spend their spring semester.