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Posts tagged as “guest essay”

Smith Wildlife is Sick and Tired of Construction

Smith College has recently announced the construction of a new building for the Lazarus Center for Career Development and the Wurtele Center for Leadership, which is set to be built on a hillside overlooking Paradise Pond. In response to this announcement, many students have taken to social media to discuss the validity of the project. Arguments have been raised, suggesting that the funds for this new building could be more effectively utilized to address internal issues within the college, such as broken elevators and insufficient professor salaries. While there are a multitude of reasons to question the necessity and efficiency of the new Lazarus Center, I would like to introduce an additional critique from a conservation standpoint. 

史密斯学生需要性健康用品售货机 —— 作为B计划以备罗诉韦德法案被推翻

2021年12月1日,美国最高法院在审理 Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 的案子中听取了关于复原密西西比州的15周禁止堕胎法案的陈词。女性主义者和赞同堕胎人士表示,这个案子的结果不会理想。他们预计罗宿韦德案中所保护的堕胎权会因此被推翻。