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Posts tagged as “Features”


聯合公園、Korn、和巨石強森是用餐者在Cutter Ziskind(或學生暱稱的Cutter Z)排隊等候時可能會聽到的三位歌手。這要歸功於透過揚聲器大聲播放的多音樂類型歌單。Adam Lueb,資歷六年的食堂工作人員、長期搖滾樂迷、和食堂歌單編列者回憶起Cutter Ziskind的聲學史。人們通常以他那頂刺繡著「禿頭」的粉色帽子辨識他。



You Are What You Sticker?

Do laptop stickers provide an adequate avenue for students’ personal expression? Do their semi-permanent nature constrict personal growth over time? Through a survey of The Sophian’s laptop sticker holders, this article attempts to answer these questions and get to the root of today’s sticker personal branding phenomenon.