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Posts tagged as “emma vejcik”

Quarantine Melodrama ‘Love in the Time of Corona’ Too Much, Too Soon

As Twitter user @jishnu_bandu so eloquently put it, in the era of COVID-19, in some of the dimmest of times in recent history, one must remember: “As you binge watched your thirteenth entire series, or read a book, or sleep to music, remember. Remember that in the darkest days, when everything stopped, you turned to artists.”  This is true. We have all become heavy, gluttonous consumers of all forms of media.  

Activist Art in the Time of the Pandemic

In the past few months, we have seen a surplus of mural paintings throughout the nation. The movement was sparked by the commission of the BLM street painting, by the Washington D.C. mayor, Murial Browser. Since then, communities across America have taken to the streets with road-marking paint to cement the statement “Black Lives Matter.”

Activist Art in the Time of the Pandemic

In the past few months, we have seen a surplus of mural paintings throughout the nation. The movement was sparked by the commission of the BLM street painting, by the Washington D.C. mayor, Murial Browser. Since then, communities across America have taken to the streets with road-marking paint to cement the statement “Black Lives Matter.”

SMP ’19: Moda, feminismo e intentos fallidos hacia la sostenibilidad


La Semana de la Moda de París es uno de los momentos más esperados del año para la comunidad internacional de la moda. Sigue a Nueva York y precede a Milán, pero París siempre será conocido como un vogue de la moda para las modelas/os, diseñadoras/es y consumidoras/es. La Semana de la Moda de París tuvo un gran comienzo con la mayoría de las grandes compañías de moda tomando un enfoque ambiental. Este año, Maria Grazia Chiuri (MGC), directora creativa de Dior, una de las marcas de alta costura más grandes de la historia, decidió que ella también dejaría su huella en el movimiento del cambio climático.

PFW ‘19: Fashion, Feminism, and Failed Attempts at Sustainability

Paris Fashion Week is one of the most anticipated times of the year for the fashion community. It follows New York and precedes Milan, but Paris will always be known as a vogue hotspot for the models, designers, and consumers. Paris Fashion Week got off to a hot start with most major fashion companies taking up the calling card for environmental focus. This year, Maria Grazia Chiuri (MGC), creative director of Dior, one of the largest haute-couture brands in history, decided she too would make her mark on the climate change movement.

Heart-Wrenchingly Tragic and Unabashedly Gay: ‘Wild Nights With Emily’ Dramatizes Poet’s Love Life

“Wild Nights With Emily,” a dramatization of the passionate and untold love life of American poetry icon Emily Dickinson, premieres in Amherst this spring at local theaters. Initially produced as a play in 1999, the film revels in Dickinson’s unacknowledged status as an infamous gay woman.