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Posts tagged as “Emily Meschertson”

Russian American Businesses During the War

A couple weeks ago, my Russian language professor took us on a field trip. We piled into a van and drove to the nearest Russian grocery store, in Springfield. Entering the store felt like being absorbed into another world. Our trip was a fascinating and humorous language-learning experience. But shopping there almost two months into Putin’s war in Ukraine has generated some questions.


5月5日,在本学期最后一场校长座谈会上,校长凯西·麦卡特尼邀请到了来自科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado Boulder)的教授:珍妮佛·何。何教授讨论了新冠疫情中针对亚裔愈演愈烈的暴力行为,以及更广泛的种族与种族歧视议题。

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Opens Smith’s Year on Democracies

Smith began its Year on Democracies with a Presidential Colloquium featuring Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. She opened the annual Colloquium series on Sep 8, answering questions from Smith students and faculty about the condition of the U.S. democracy and her position within it as one of the most politically powerful women in the country. The event was held at John M. Greene Hall, allowing a portion of the Smith community to attend in-person, while others watched the live-stream.

Organizations in Northampton Fight for Abolition

The Northampton Policing Review Commission (NPRC), created by the Northampton Mayor and City Council, released its recommendations for reforming “the current organizational and oversight structures, municipal funding allocations, and policies and ordinances” of the Northampton policing system. The creation of a “new Department of Community Care” should be a top priority according to the NPRC.

Jennifer Ho’s Presidential Colloquium on Fighting Anti-Asian Racism

In the semester’s final Presidential Colloquium on May 5, President Kathy McCartney was joined by Professor Jennifer Ho from the University of Colorado Boulder. Ho discussed the escalated violence against Asian Americans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and broader issues of race and racism.