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Posts tagged as “elizabeth muirhead”

¿Por eso estamos pagando? Cómo el dinero se derrama alrededor del atletismo

Traducción por Emilia Tamayo
Este verano, cuando Louisiana State University (LSU) inauguró un edificio de operaciones de fútbol de 28 millones de dólares recientemente renovado con lujosas cápsulas para dormir, una piscina, un mini-teatro y más, volvieron a encender una discusión sobre el flujo de dinero en los deportes universitarios. Las llamativas actualizaciones provocaron críticas.

A Conversation with UMass’s Randall West: Hiccups and Hard Work

Despite being the most popular college sport nationally, the football program at UMass Amherst has struggled to find its footing in an increasingly competitive field. Between 2012 and 2016, the team didn’t pick up more than three wins in a single 12-game season. During the 2017 and 2018 seasons, the team did slightly better, earning 4-8 records both seasons.

Since the end of the 2018 season, two top quarterbacks have graduated — Ross Comis and Andrew Ford, along with top offensive talents like wide receiver Andy Isabella and running back Marquis Young. Their absence leaves gaping holes in the offense but also provides an opportunity for new talent to emerge — or for old talent to reemerge.

36-year-old Accountant Shocks in Net

Elizabeth Muirhead ’20        Many avid hockey fans dream of getting to play on the ice with their favorite team, but most people…