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Posts tagged as “Claudia Olson”

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.

“Inclusion” After “Inclusion in Action”

With the beginning of a new year comes another chance to reevaluate Smith’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. However, before we discuss what is to come, we must revisit what came before. First, let me introduce myself: I’m Claudia. I wrote a piece about last year’s Inclusion in Action conference based on my experience on the planning committee. It seemed to me that the conference, in the end, all came down to data.

“Special” Is the TV Show I Never Knew I Needed

On April 12, 2019, Netflix released all eight episodes of "Special," a new series from Ryan O'Connell, the creator, writer and star. It is based on his 2015 memoir, “I'm Special: And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves” in which he writes about being gay and disabled. O'Connell was born with a mild form of cerebral palsy, a congenital disorder that affects movement and balance.

Four Tips to Practice Self-Care During Finals Season

This may seem obvious, but sleep is essential, especially during finals season. Memory, concentration and energy, components essential to academic success, all improve with a consistent sleep schedule. Though college students are infamous for skipping on sleep, this is not a trend that has to be followed.