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Posts tagged as “chichi”

Cristina Rodríguez Discusses Immigration and the Constitution

Cristina Rodríguez, the Leighton Homer Surbeck Professor of Law at Yale University, gave the first speech in the 2019-2020 Presidential Colloquium Series on Thursday, September 19, 2019. Her lecture, “The President, Immigration Law, and the Politics of Constitutional Structure,” sought to provide greater insight into US immigration law by looking at historic and current tensions between executive and legislative powers.

Representation, Humor and the Solo Performance: Emma O’Neill-Dietel on ‘What?’

A few weeks ago, in Acting Studio 2 of the Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, a one-night performance was staged for a small but attentive audience. Emma O’Neill-Dietel ’21 describes her show “What?” as a solo, memoir-based performance about her experience growing up with hearing loss.

Five Steps to Spring Clean Your Life

Ah, springtime, the season of new beginnings and rebirth. The days are lengthening, and the greenery is reemerging. Somewhere out there is a bear – the breakout star of an unfilmed David Attenborough documentary – lumbering out from her den after months of hibernation. The last traces of winter may not have disappeared just yet, but spring is definitely on its way.