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Smith Athlete of the Week: Julia Hamilton ’18

Photo courtesy of

Brigit McDannell ’18
Sports Editor

Julia Hamilton ’18 is a member of the Pioneers Field Hockey team as well as the Pioneers Lacrosse team. She is a Deerfield Academy alumnae originally from Williamstown, Mass. In the past two seasons playing for Smith Field Hockey, she has made a total of nine goals, six assists, 46 shots and two winning goals, and has an impressive 0.652 percent success rate for shots on goal. In addition to her stunning statistics, she has been the Smith Athletics Department Athlete of the Week numerous times. I interviewed Julia over fall break and we discussed her field hockey career here at Smith.

Who inspires you to play field hockey?

My teammates and coaches really inspire me because they are constantly pushing me and encouraging me to be my best!

How did you get involved with the sport?

In seventh grade, my school required us to play field hockey, and after that I really fell in love with the sport and began to take it much more seriously in high school.

What motivates you to keep a level head during an intense game?

My teammates. We are a web [a game formation] and the minute one of us lets the intense game get to us, it messes with everyone else, so I always try to keep my composure.

What has been your favorite game of this season so far?

Definitely our Mount Holyoke game where we won 2-1.

What has been your least favorite game of this season?

Probably our Western New England game. Although we won, it was a really scrappy game, and I don’t think we played to the level we knew we could have.

Why field hockey? What do you enjoy about it?

I love the stick skills involved with field hockey and the complexity of the game. There is always a new trick to learn.

How do you get pumped up before a game?

I like to listen to music and dance.

Catch Julia and her teammates play against MIT in a NEWMAC at the Smith field, Saturday, Oct. 17, at 5 pm.