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The Sophian

How video games can change your life

The things you are introduced to as a child can set the trajectory for the rest of your life. While I’m not sure that I would introduce a child to video games at age 5, as I had been, nothing has set the trajectory of my life more than video games. My twin brother and I started playing video games at age 5. For two years, we only had one game: “Mario Party 5.” We also only had one video game console for those two years — one video game console, with one game, for two children.

“Bohemian Rhapsody”: I’m OK, I’m alright

“You can do anything with my legacy, but never make me boring.” The legendary singer and frontman of Queen, Freddie Mercury, was quoted as saying this before his tragic death from AIDS-related causes in 1991. This writer believes that even the most aggressive attempt to make Freddie Mercury’s story boring would be impossible. “Bohemian Rhapsody” — a biographical movie about Queen — is entertaining, but beneath its flashy surface, it is as hollow and clichéd as Mercury was complex and revolutionary. The film’s fun yet disappointing result can be attributed to a number of factors: pre-production limbo, cast changes, director replacements and questionable narrative choices regarding the singer’s sexuality. All of this culminates in an ultimately forgettable movie. But this movie is about Freddie Mercury — how is that possible?

“Sensitivity Training” Explores the Adage “Suffering Builds Character” in a Humorous Tale of Forced Friendship

Meet Serena: she regularly gets kicked out of movie theatres, snaps at coworkers in her microbiology lab and corrects the grammar of her date mid-hookup. In her opinion, the fewer people she has to fake kindness towards, the better. But after taking a critique of a colleague too far, she must undergo sensitivity training if she wants to keep her job.

Entrepreneurship conference connecting to people outside of Smith

This weekend (Oct. 26–Oct. 28), the Western Massachusetts Idea Jam (WMIJ) was held at UMass Center in Springfield. It was an entrepreneurship event cosponsored by Smith College, Mount Holyoke College and Western Massachusetts University; other universities were invited to attend.


There is a sophomore that lives in my house named Kim. We all love her so I decided share that love with all of you. Though Kim is only one person, she has enough depth of character to represent every sign! Congratulations, you now can know what part of Kim you are most like. Be grateful.

Copy of Gritty: Antifa icon or hollow symbol of capitalist exploitation?

His eyes bulge preternaturally out of his head. His smile gapes across the entire stretch of his face, more of a deep chasm than an expression of mirth, exposing his tongue, but no teeth to speak of. His electric orange fur hangs long and straight from his head, and his rotund torso is supported by two knock-kneed legs jammed into ice skates. He is here. He is Gritty.

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