This year, Smith College received a total of 8,666 applications for the Class of 2028, out of which 20.5% were admitted. The college expects to…
The Sophian
On Rally Day, Feb. 22, 2024, President Sarah Willie-LeBreton announced that five distinguished leaders — Maria Luisa Arroyo Cruzado, Ruth E. Carter, Ertharin Cousin, Jill…
On Jan. 16, the Botanic Garden of Smith College announced that five trees on campus will be removed early this year, including the long-standing sugar…
Hace un año, descubrí "La Increíblemente Verdadera Aventura de Dos Chicas Enamoradas" (1995), una bella película romántica independiente escrita y dirigida por un colega Smithie, Maria Maggenti '86 que cuenta la historia de cómo dos chicas adolescentes se enamoran la una de la otra.
The Student Government Association (SGA) of Smith College held its first presidential debate in several years on Tuesday, April 16. Three pairs of students were…
You might know her as the blonde “friend who always…” on TikTok or the quirky substitute teacher Jessca (not Jessica) on “Abbott Elementary” — Sabrina…
El 7 de diciembre de 2023, el capítulo de Estudiantes por la Justicia en Palestina (SJP, por sus siglas en inglés) de Smith College solicitó formalmente que el Colegio se deshaga de siete prominentes fabricantes mundiales de armas. Posteriormente, expandieron su demanda para abarcar la desinversión de todos los contratistas militares y fabricantes de armas. El 26 de marzo de 2024, el Comité Asesor sobre Responsabilidad del Inversor (ACIR, por sus siglas en inglés) emitió un correo electrónico a todo el campus revelando su decisión de no respaldar la propuesta de SJP al Comité de Inversiones.
Self-described “witchy feminist rockstar” Maggie Rogers is hitting the road again.
I discovered Rogers by chance in early 2019, shortly after her first studio album, “Heard It in a Past Life” came out. Since then, Rogers has released two albums, “Notes from the Archive: Recordings 2011–2016” (2020) and “Surrender” (2022). During this time, I have grappled with simultaneously wanting to gate-keep Roger’s musical genius and impose it on all of my family, friends and acquaintances. Despite my greatest efforts, I have been unable to keep Maggie Rogers to myself.
Putsata Reang, author, journalist and Seattle educator, will be speaking about her memoir “Ma and Me” at the Spring Symposium on Apr. 21. The event…
About a year ago, I discovered “The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love” (1995), a beautiful independent romance film written and directed by a fellow Smithie, Maria Maggenti ’86 which tells the story of how two teenage girls fall in love with each other.