Wellness puts up their interactive mental health awareness display in the campus center.
The Sophian
Sweeney Concert Hall was awash with first chatter, then music, then the supportive cheers of the audience when the Asian Student Association (ASA) and Korean Student Association (KSA) started their annual Asian Culture Show (ACS) Saturday, Oct. 26. A staple of Family Weekend, the event highlighted the many talented Asian cultural dance and music acts within the Five College Consortium and beyond.
La Semana de la Moda de París es uno de los momentos más esperados del año para la comunidad internacional de la moda. Sigue a Nueva York y precede a Milán, pero París siempre será conocido como un vogue de la moda para las modelas/os, diseñadoras/es y consumidoras/es. La Semana de la Moda de París tuvo un gran comienzo con la mayoría de las grandes compañías de moda tomando un enfoque ambiental. Este año, Maria Grazia Chiuri (MGC), directora creativa de Dior, una de las marcas de alta costura más grandes de la historia, decidió que ella también dejaría su huella en el movimiento del cambio climático.
Humans throughout history have connected and emoted through the personal expression that is art. And on Thursday Oct. 10th, Smith community members and students connected with the Smith College Museum of Art exhibit, Defiant Vision: Prints & Poetry by Munio Makuuchi, through the use of poetry.
Award-winning activist and filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ‘02 gave the second address in the 2019-2020 Presidential Colloquium series on Oct. 17, 2019. Her speech, entitled “On Artist Activism: Women’s Rights in a Volatile World,” combined clips from her various films with personal accounts of her life experiences to explore what the modern female activist looks like.
Smith is a mystical place.
Lately, I have been contemplating the various ways in which we understand democracy and what it might entail, particularly with respect to the turbulent political…
In an Oct. 18 email to the Smith Community, President Kathleen McCartney announced that the Smith College Board of Trustees voted in its October meeting to “direct Investure, the college’s outsourced endowment management firm, to exclude from the Smith College endowment all future investments with fossil fuel-specific managers” and also voted to enact a “phaseout of all current investments with fossil fuel-specific managers in the Smith College endowment.”
“和平越南”于十月十一日在Umass Amherst结束了它此站巡回展览。此展览由Ron Carver策划,揭露了美国军队内部反对越战的历史。展览中展出了士兵和退役老兵的照片,地下报纸,和其他“生动展示了人们服役时对战争的反抗”的文件,用UMass历史教授Christian Appy的话说。Appy教授和比较文学系的教授Jim Hicks以及Moira Inghilleri一起协助主办方组织展览,并开设与展览相关的一系列活动,包括纪录片放映以及小组讨论会。自2018年该展览在圣母大学以及胡志明市的战争纪念博物馆正式开始巡回以后,它在UMass迎来了北美巡回展的第二站,同时,它也继续在越南巡回展出。
Zoë Crutcher ’22 spent most of the night Oct. 18 sitting at the feet of performers at the Display Art Collective’s “Open Mic Night.” Holding a black microphone up to the mouth to those playing instruments and singing, she laughed at an oversight: they didn’t have a mic stand.