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The Sophian

Organizations in Northampton Fight for Abolition

The Northampton Policing Review Commission (NPRC), created by the Northampton Mayor and City Council, released its recommendations for reforming “the current organizational and oversight structures, municipal funding allocations, and policies and ordinances” of the Northampton policing system. The creation of a “new Department of Community Care” should be a top priority according to the NPRC.

An Unprecedented Year: Starting College as a Member of the ‘COVID Class’

It’s been a year and a half since I was accepted into Smith, nine months since I took my first college class, and three months since I first arrived on campus. As a first year during the pandemic, it feels like I started college in stages—last fall, I experienced a college-level workload. This semester, I lived on campus away from home for the first time, and next fall (knock on wood), I’ll finally have the full college experience:

아시아·태평양계 학생들, 스미스의 ‘보여주기식 연대’ 도움 안된다고 느껴

This post is part of the 2021 Spring Translation Marathon for student translators
Translated from English by Jeanne Cho
NBC뉴스에 따르면 2020년 한 해 동안 아시아·태평양계를 겨냥한 증오 범죄는 150% 이상 증가했다. 중국 우한에서 시작된 것으로 알려진 코로나19 팬데믹과 도널드 트럼프 전 미 대통령의 ‘중국 바이러스’와 같은 발언은 아시아계 미국인들에 대한 증오 범죄와 인종차별을 부추겼고, 이와 같은 현상은 바이든 대통령의 취임 후에도 가라앉지 않고 있다.

‘La Vita è bella’: Recensione del film

This post is part of the 2021 Spring Translations Marathon for student translators

Translated from English by Josephine Van Renterghem

L’anno è il 1939 nel Regno d’Italia. Guido Orefice (interpretato da Roberto Benigni) è arrivato da poco in città per lavorare in un ristorante con suo zio. Appena arrivato, Guido si innamora di Dora (interpretata da Nicoletta Braschi), una donna che è già fidanzata con u ricco ma arrogante funzionario fascista. Grazie al suo umorismo e alla sua arguzia, Guido è capace di  organizzare molti incontri « casuali » per mostrarle il suo interesse per lei. Dopo imbucarsi alla festa  di Dora e aver umiliato sua madre e il suo fidanzato, Guida riesce a sedurla con il suo carisma. Poco  dopo si sposano e hanno un figlio, chiamato Giosuè (interpretato da Giorgio Cantarini).  

Jennifer Ho’s Presidential Colloquium on Fighting Anti-Asian Racism

In the semester’s final Presidential Colloquium on May 5, President Kathy McCartney was joined by Professor Jennifer Ho from the University of Colorado Boulder. Ho discussed the escalated violence against Asian Americans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and broader issues of race and racism.

Dance Dance Revolution

Celebrations Dance Company has faced the challenge of finding a space for their chosen art form in the virtual world. What once were twice weekly rehearsals in Smith’s dance studio have become weekly Zoom rehearsals, and what once were biannual live showcases at the end of each semester have become virtual showcases compilations.

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